Last Thursday I spent the entire day at the hospital getting ready for my husband’s surgery on June 1. That was a LONG day and I just wanted to get home to catch up on paperwork and to get to bed early. At eleven o’clock I got an email announcing that I was #7 on the Zone Music Reporter Top 100 Radio Airplay Chart! I was hoping to be on that list and I was elated to be in the top 10. Such a pleasant surprise. It was too late to call and share the news with anyone at that hour so I woke up my husband, Kes, to tell him the good news.
On Friday, heavy rain and a rising creek nearby. I spent a few hours carrying buckets of water and dumping them away from the house. Too tired to share my #7 story.
So on Saturday I decided to clean out the gutters since more rain is predicted for the week-end. I did that and then posted the news about being #7. By four o’clock I realized that I needed to take a Driver’s Ed class that had to be completed by June first! (Nothing like getting a ticket for going 34 in a 30 mile zone.) I thought I had till June 10th but I was wrong. So I did the 6 hour course, passed the test, and paid extra for Express Mail to get the certificate to me in time so that I could mail it out by June 1.
Today, Sunday I am playing catch-up, partying on Memorial Day, packing for the hospital on Tuesday and then major surgery for Kes on Wednesday. We will be at the hospital for a few days. Just another regular week-end at our house. So what did you do?